Privacy Policy

PN01037 - Privacy Notice: ATTRACT Phase 2 Committees constitution

Each Service at CERN is responsible for compiling its own Privacy Notice(s) regarding the data it processes as a controller.

This Privacy Notice is part of CERN's Layered Privacy Notice and details the processing that is unique to this Service. It does not address:

  • processing by other services on which this Service may rely and which have their own Privacy Notice,
  • processing activities carried out by this Service as a processor on behalf of other services, as processing services are not obliged to document their processing activities.

Personal Data we process

The personal data we have, and how it's used:

Personal Data Purpose Basis - Explanation Source
First Name, Last Name To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member, display profile data on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to ensure visibility and secure transparency and proceed with payments for your work for ATTRACT Phase 2 Legitimate interest of CERN You
E-mail address To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member Legitimate interest of CERN You
Organisation, Position in organisation To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member, display profile data on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to ensure visibility and secure transparency and proceed with payments for your work for ATTRACT Phase 2 Legitimate interest of CERN You
Organisation address To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member and proceed with payments for your work for ATTRACT Phase 2 Legitimate interest of CERN You
Biography To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member, display profile data on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to ensure visibility and secure transparency Legitimate interest of CERN You
Picture To be displayed in your profile on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to provide visibility and secure transparency Consent You
Bank account number and signature To record your profile as ATTRACT Phase 2 Committee member and proceed with payments for your work for ATTRACT Phase 2 Legitimate interest of CERN You

Personal Data we keep

The personal data we store, for how long and why:

Personal Data Retention Period Purpose
All data above except Picture until the end of the ATTRACT Phase 2 project To manage your profile and your payment
All data above except Picture 5 years after the end of the ATTRACT Phase 2 project To comply with the obligation to keep records and other supporting documentation as defined in the underlying EU grant agreement
Picture Until the end of the ATTRACT Phase 2 project, or until the withdrawal of your consent, whatever comes first To display the corresponding information on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to provide visibility and secure transparency

Who at CERN has access

In addition to yourself, personal data collected by this Service is accessible by the following services, teams or individuals at CERN:

Personal Data Who Purpose
All data above except Picture ATTRACT Project Administrative Office (PAO) To record your messages and answer you by email, and to send you updates if applicable
All data above E-mail Service To store and manage the data for the e-mail conversation with you
All data above Legal Services To manage the contractual agreements related to your assignments under ATTRACT Phase 2 according to EU rules
All data above Financial Services To process financial matters (notably payment and audit) linked to your assignments under the ATTRACT Phase 2 project; To manage financial reporting and statements according to the EU rules

Personal Data we may transfer to others

Personal data we share with entities or individuals outside the Organization:

Personal Data 3rd Parties Purpose
First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, Organisation, Position in organisation, Biography, Picture ESADE Spain To publish the corresponding information (except e-mail address) on ATTRACT Phase 2 website
First Name, Last Name, Organisation, Position in organisation, Biography, Picture General public The information will be visible to the general public on ATTRACT Phase 2 website to ensure visibility and secure transparency; the picture will be only displayed in case you have given your consent for this

For more detailed information about personal data and privacy please refer to the Data Privacy web site External link.

For questions regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact this Service.

For questions regarding personal data and privacy please contact the Office of Data Privacy External link.

To request to exercise data subject rights please fill and submit the following online form.

This Privacy Notice is subject to revision.

Last revision: 12-06-2024 14:27:14

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